A better tomorrow
starts with YOU here today.
Click here to find out how!
MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK 〰️ Click here to find out how! 〰️
Across Massachusetts, we work from year to year in the name of racial equity and economic justice.
There’s a place at the table with
your name on it.
You can change the world.
Let’s do it together.
People power is built by listening to each other's stories, needs, and hopes and then doing something about it. Join us and make a change. LEARN MORE
Those closest to the issues lead the way.
This work is a journey and we believe success is measured both by the individual growth of each person as well as by the collective impact we can have. LEARN MORE
Come as you are! This work is all about being open to learning, growing, and building relationships with others. Those partnerships create the power you need to make real change. LEARN MORE
Power in our numbers.
33, 027 voters
reached in 2022
150K + immigrants
can now drive safely
$2 billion annually for
Don’t just take it from us. Hear what some in our network have to say.
Margot Barnet
“Getting to know and understand the people that are in the midst of these disparities in order to become a trusted ally meant a lot.” MORE
Eldin Lynn Villafañe
“I consider MCAN to be the ultimate model of sustainable community organizing and deft legislative advocacy.” MORE
Kendra Patterson
“MCAN's grounding in values, narrative and relationships reflect the heart motivations that fuel our work.” MORE
Sean Manion
“We simply have to dare to build that future together.” MORE
“Our statewide team of leaders and organizers is a network that knows how to get things done. The pandemic only amplified the need for our work and we doubled down, because working for a new normal isn’t new for us.”
Janine Carreiro, Co-Executive Director